Ok. Let me just say this. This will be the LAST time that I post about the highly dysfunctional, three-way relationship that is #LHHNY's Amina, Tara, and Peter. To be honest, the back and forth between all of them is starting to wear on my nerves, and well...I. Just. Can't.
One thing that has struck a nerve with me, though, is the statement that Peter made on the last episode (I believe). He took all the blame for the hurt that he has inflicted on Tara and Amina. Even though Peter does shoulder most of the blame for this situation in which he most certainly is the common denominator, cheating and impregnating another woman while married, there is someone else that should shoulder as much blame as him, and that is Tara.
We go so hard on Amina. Although Amina has accepted much more abhorrent, disgusting behavior from Peter than I ever could, I almost can see Amina's...I don't want to say "logic"...let's just say "motivation", for allowing herself to become pregnant by Peter (even though she aborted THIS child, it is widely reported that she is pregnant again). We may call her "stupid", but what we have to understand is that at the end of the day, this is her HUSBAND. Not her "sided***", not her "bae", this is her
husband. Biblically, loving, supporting, and PROCREATING with her husband is what she is
supposed to do. Amina married Peter because she LOVED him, and she is trying to make her marriage work. Now, I know that by now, I would have left Peter, or slit his damn throat, whichever came first, but I still understand that she loves her husband. That's her motivation. But that damn Tara...
Tara pretends to be this super confident, strong black woman, but nothing, and I mean
NADA--none of her actions personify this independent sister that she wants for us to see. Tara is the key, the "tie that binds", mind you, that keeps this whole mess going. Let me break this down for you young sistas (older, like Tara, if you don't know already): In a relationship, a man is only going to do what a woman allows him to do. If Tara wasn't welcoming Peter with open arms, willing to spread her legs at his beck and call, then she wouldn't be a single mother of almost 3. When I was going thru it with one of my boyfriends, when he wanted to see his son, he came and
picked him up; if my son wanted to see him,
I took him to his dad. You can't sit around under me...we don't have to be around each other for you to be a father to your son. That's how you handle that.
Peter didn't just fall in the p****; Tara threw him a rope and pulled him in! You can't move into the same building with your kids' father, knowing you still have feelings for him, but claiming it's for the kids.
No, bitch, it's for YOU! Do you think I would have moved into an apartment building with my children's father, and he's married to another woman? Hell no! Tara did it because she still wants Peter.
Eh, Tara, if you like it I love it, but you're still a damn fool!
Tara had the nerve to tell Amina that Amina wants her life and that's why she allowed herself to become pregnant.
Now, damn, Tara. She wants YOUR life? Really? And what life is that? Peter has children with four other women, so...what life are you speaking of? The life of a single mother? Not hard to get that. The life of a woman that
KNOWINGLY gets pregnant by another woman's husband, thinking she's proving a point, but only making herself look ridiculous? The life of a woman that that was Peter's girlfriend for 13 years, but couldn't get a ring? What life does she want, Tara? Enlighten me, because I am seriously confused. Amina slept with, and became pregnant by her husband, because that's what most wives do. If she's using a baby to hold on to Peter, what's your excuse? Isn't that why you waited until you were 18 weeks to reveal...Peter couldn't ask for an abortion then, and you know that he would. No, Amina's not thirsty, but you're dying of dehydration! And when did the wife have to start asking for permission from the sidechick to get pregnant by her own husband? I don't see why Tara doesn't see the logic in this.
But what's funny is...Tara has the nerve to act indignant. As if she really has a place to be mad in this situation. There wouldn't BE a situation if it weren't for Tara. I almost sympathize with her, though. You have to be a sad person, devoid of self-worth, to compete for a trophy that isn't worth winning. She's a beautiful, smart woman, and hopefully reality will set in, because this...
Tara could have shut this sh** down a long time ago, if she loved herself more that she loved Peter. If she were really "doing this for the kids", then she wouldn't be in this baseline, ghetto relationship that is her, Amina, and Peter. I could go on, but long story short, I'm sick and damn tired of seeing this bullsh** that is these three. Can #LHHNY come up with another story line for these three...please?
They say love is blind...they didn't say it was deaf, dumb, and retarded, too. *sigh*