Yep. Title says it all. I can give "0" fux about George Zimmerman.
If I saw his azz on fire on the side of the road, and it started to rain, I'd build a shed to protect the fire, just to make sure it still burned.
I loathe George Zimmerman.
Although the Bible tells me to love my brother man, it does not mean that I have to like him. And this bastard is anything but likable.
Let's get this straight--I'm not here to debate whether Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon. He wasn't, the jury decided that he was, and that is that. We can't change that outcome. Yet, not even the fact that he shot this young man, someone's son, and to this day, shows no real remorse, is not absolutely mind boggling to me. What blows my scalp, what makes me effing hot, what makes me want to drive over his azz in the old '02 Dodge Stratus I used to drive, is the fact that this man can be so cold and calculating in his efforts to sell the gun that was responsible for killing a young man. Someone's son. A child. Trayvon Martin.
Let's take justification off of the table, because that's the first thing that his supporters will yell. "He was justified! It's his gun, he can do what he wants!" Yes, that's true! ALL of that is true. But we're not talking about technicalities. We are talking about something that is all too lacking, not just in George Zimmerman, but in society as a whole: We're talking just common DAMN decency. What happened to common decency? What happened to compassion? As a human being, the fact that Zimmerman took a life with that gun, a life that belonged to a young man, who had not even begun to live his life, that fact alone should be enough to make Zimmerman despise himself. Zimmerman committed a murder, made a joke of the justice system, and with his careless, most times violent, and callous acts of abuse and intimidation, continues to make a mockery of not only that same system, but of the life that Sabrina and Tracy gave to Trayvon. This young man had a family that loved him, just like Zimmerman, but for some reason, none of that matters to Zimmerman. How does he think that they feel, watching him parade around, a pseudo-celebrity, peddling the gun the took the life of their son? My heart aches for them, and you would think that George would have a some compassion for them, even if just a little.
The media has made Zimmerman a celebrity of sorts, and although notorious, he is using that platform for all the worth he can drain from it. My prayer is that this same social media that he uses as a platform to elevate his violent, racist antics, is the same social media that will soon expose the world to his downfall. He's a p***y of the highest pedigree. A straight effing coward.
If Zimmerman were to lose his life at someone else's hand, would he want for the weapon to be flaunted as a trophy and a blatant slap in the face to his family? I'm willing to bid on that weapon, and I pray that I am alive to see the day. I'm not praying for his extinction, but know that I'm not NOT praying for it, either. Hell, I'm still a work in progress, so just pray for me.
FUX George Zimmerman, and the pony he rode in on.
Follow @blufenix75
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