Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ladies, it's YOUR fault! Stop Getting Pregnant!

Yall need to cut that mess out! Out here getting pregnant, and it's all YOUR fault! Yes, YOUR fault! You provided the sperm YOURself, you laid down by YOURself, inseminated YOURself, and got pregnant, all by YOUR lonely self! So getting pregnant is YOUR fault!

Yeah, right! GTFOH with all that...

Lately, we've been inundated with reports of Fetty Wap blaming Masika Kalysha for getting pregnant, accusing her of trying to "trap him". Now, isn't that ironic? Imagine that... He allegedly told her that because she didn't believe in abortion (he wanted her to have one), she must not believe in protection, either. Huh?

Then, there's Beyonce's pappy, Matthew Knowles, who has been forced by the courts to provide to provide medical insurance, back child support, and current child support to one of the children that he conceived outside of his marriage to Mama Knowles.  He blames his baby's mother, stating that she should have had an abortion, which he claims he gave her over $200K as hush money, in hopes that she would do. According to many on social media, she should take care of the baby on her own, because she knew he was married when she slept with him. Please!!!!!!

We don't have to look to the stars. We all know some ignorant kneegrow that claims that any child conceived that he didn't want, is no fault of his.  How does one even come to this conclusion?

When a man and a woman consent to sleep with one another, if a child is conceived of that union, then both parents are to blame.  Fetty Wap has a song called "Trap Queen". You mean to tell me he knows about cooking dope, but not how to NOT get caught up by a "trap queen"? So, he's really dumb enough to believe that any woman that says she is on birth control, actually IS on birth control? And even if she were, what if she had HIV? Birth control doesn't prevent a person from contracting STDs.  The sooner we learn that, the better.

It doesn't matter the circumstances under which a child was conceived (unless a rape was involved--different story).  If a woman knows a man is married, it is not her responsibility to protect him.  It's his responsibility, both to himself, and to his spouse.  He has as much responsibility for conceiving that child as the woman that he conceived it with, and all the responsibility that comes with the birthing and raising of said child.  So all that other mess, it's a moot point. Let's stop blaming the women for something that they can not, and did not, do on their own.

And women, we must do better at choosing who we allow to permeate our walls of trust, becoming "baby mamas" for men that don't love us enough to respect you as their child's mother. Men that call us out of our names, accuse us of "trapping them", fail to play a part of their child's life, physically, mentally, and financially (without the force of the courts). We must make better choices. We have to--our kids are depending on us. 

"Stop blaming others for their part, and start taking responsibility for the part YOU played"--Jerry Corstens


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