Now, I'm not trying to shade anybody, but, hell, it is what it is. I work in an office where we assist low-income families, and often times I wonder when these young women come into the office with 6, 7, even 9 kids, baby daddies no where to be found: Wouldn't it just be easier to get birth control? Why not get a tubal ligation (tubes tied)? Of course, I can't ask them that, so I just continue to do my job, unbiased. Regardless of how I feel or what I think, my job is my job, and I don't mistreat anyone based on my personal ideals.
For instance, one young woman that I am familiar with has 8 children, and she's not even 30! She's never had a job, has no high school diploma, and no car. The state pays for housing (HUD), the state pays for medical insurance (Medicaid), the state pays for food (Food Stamps). It just seems that somewhere, deep in the recesses of her mind, something would kick in and say "I can't afford all these damn babies. Hell, I can barely keep the utilities on. Let me get my tubes tied/get on birth control." A lot of people feel that individuals that receive welfare continue to have children to receive increased benefits. That may be the case for some, but for most, I don't believe that is the motivation at all. I also understand that birth controls sometimes fail, but not 7 or 8 times!
I understand that everyone was not born and raised under the same set of circumstances. Please don't believe that I was raised with a silver spoon in my mouth. Far from it! But I have learned that one can not prosper if they choose to play the role of victim, allowing life to just "happen", without understanding that we play a critical part in the decisions that affect us, and our decisions affect how life "happens" to us. We can not continue to blame society for all of our ills, as if we have absolutely no power over our life situations. If we choose to remain "victims", then that's our choice, but why victimize our children? Our children are conceived and born by no fault of their own. If we choose to live a sub-standard lifestyle, and birth control is readily available, then why choose that same sub-standard set of living conditions for our children? I somewhat understand the first child, maybe the second, but when it comes to 3, 4, 5 children, and you have still done nothing to improve your life situation--I just don't get it. Men are just as responsible for this societal ill, but here's the thing: Momma's baby, Daddy's maybe. Daddy MAY or MAY not be there to help raise the youngn, but it's a full time responsibility for the mother, regardless. So we must protect ourselves!
I know that there are probably some serious psychological factors that I'm not taking into consideration. I acknowledge that. I also acknowledge that sometimes, we just make shit too deep. Simply put, it doesn't take a psychologist to tell you that you ain't got sh**, so it would be wise to stop bringing babies into your effed up situation. Sooner or later, we have to learn to take responsibility for our own lives, our own condition. No one owes you ANYTHING! We owe it to ourselves, and to our children. Know better, do better!
Let's Talk About It
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