CNN has revealed that they have viewed the tape, and it does indeed appear to show R Kelly involved in sex acts with a minor, although the young woman's age could not be determined by viewing the tape. However, her genitalia were referred to as "14 years old" in the video. In the acclaimed docu-series Surviving R Kelly, one of his alleged victims stated that Kels liked for them to state their age during sexual activity. This is apparently a turn on for the serial predator. The newly released tape is about 45 minutes long.
According to Avenatti's statement, shared via twitter, he has been doing pro bono work for clients associated with the sexually predatory acts of the singer in an effort to get justice for his victims. The video is alleged to have taken place in the 90s, making R Kelly in the age range of 20s-30s. The young woman refers to her private parts as "14", so if she was indeed 14 years old at the time of the taping, R Kelly could be charged with sexual assault or statutory rape.
So far, luck has been on his side. Will this third time be a charm? Will they actually be able to convict R Kelly?
What do you think? Let's talk!
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